As his eyes focused, Vince saw a beautiful blonde vision at the end of the bed. She had platinum blonde hair. Creamy, flawless skin. She was all pink and blonde, like an angel, and he just wanted to lick her up and down. The other girl at his side was as dark as her friend was light. Thick, black, silky hair and almond shaped eyes that tilted at the corners, lined with black eye liner. Her pale skin made her look vampirish. He half expected her to show fangs, bite his neck, and suck his blood. They both had pouty lips and eyes sparkling with lust. Despite the Demerol keeping his pain at bay, he hoped he wouldn't make a tent out of the sheets and embarrass himself, but he wanted these girls. He hadn't seen girls this amazingly drop dean gorgeous in a long time. Judging by the light in their eyes, the feeling was mutual.
Since Sheila was helping the nurse in charge, that left Andrea to make sure Mr Neil was comfortable. He had kept his eyes closed, so she quickly leaned close to his ear and whispered, "I want to fuck you." She straightened back up so no one would suspect. It must have caught his attention cause he finally opened his eyes. She quickly looked at Sheila, to make sure she was on the same page, then back at Vince. Slowly they saw Vince's eyes change from 'confusion', to 'possible excitement', to 'damn I wish I wasn't in this bed'.
Sheila's heart was pounding in excitement. The look in Vince's eyes was very promising and she could tell Andrea was keeping a tight rein on her sexual needs. If Andrea had her way she would have been up on that bed straddling Vince and have him half way to heaven by now. Sheila was praying that the nurse would leave, so she and Andrea could be alone with Vince.
The nurse told Mr Neil that she was done and to rest, and the doctor would be in later to check on him. She was leaving us alone with him. In our best pouty, sexy, nurse vixen voices, we asked, "Is there anything we can get you Mr Neil?"
He looked at Sheila and said, "I am a little thirsty." So Sheila fed him some ice chips.
Then he said to Andrea, "I am a little cold." So Andrea got him one of those preheated blankets.
So with Sheila on one side and Andrea on the other, they smoothed out the blanket, their hands perilously close to his rocket. he just grinned at each of them. He definitely needed to know their names as he wanted to continue this journey.
Just then on of Vince's people came in. "Vince, I see you are all bandaged up." Then he noticed the two exceptionally gorgeous women. "Man, Vince. This must be a five star hospital. They have killer nurses here."
"Kenny, man. No fucking shit!" Vince replied, shaking hands with Kenny.
Vince turned to us and said, "Ladies, I don't even know your names."
"Mr Neil," Sheila replied, "My name is Sheila and this is Andrea. We are CNA's and currently going to nursing school."
"Ladies, it is a pleasure to meet you." he turned to Kenny and said, "Write that down for me." Turning back to us, "I would like to show these ladies my appreciation when I am better." The look in his eyes spoke volumes. Kenny, who was used to Vince's requests, whipped out a pen and a small notebook, and took our information.
Andrea, smoothing out some imaginary wrinkles cooed, "Mr Neil..."
"Vince, please."
A seductive smile played on her lips as she continued, "Vincccce, Sheila and I would love to ... umm .. provide you with any outpatient services you might require."
Vince, grinning from ear to ear, said, "I will definitely take you up on that."
With the three of us in complete agreement, Sheila said, "Vince, thank you, it has been our pleasure to help you. We need to check on other patients. May we give you a kiss goodbye?"
"By all means," Vince countered, indicating with his hands to come closer.
Andrea kissed one cheek and Sheila kissed the other, Vince, being the rock star dog that he was, quickly copped a feel from both of us.
"Goodbye Vince," we chorused.
"Till we meet again Ladies," he said with surety.
After we let, Kenny said, "Vince, you are one lucky bastard."
Vince just grinned in acknowledgement.
All caught up sis. Them some more horny girls.....