Monday, May 27, 2019

Part 8

Andrea and Sheila did everything together and they were currently going to nursing school.  They did some volunteer work for experience and it looked good on a resume ...

"Sheila. Andrea,"  Nurse Dottie called out.  "Please take this cart down to the ER.  They have a patient in need of these items."

They looked at the items on the cart.  It looked like bandages, casting material, and scissors.  Maybe someone broke an arm or leg.

"I wonder what we'll find when we get there,"  Andrea queried.

"I don't know, but I hope it isn't too gruesome,"  Sheila replied.

"Oooo, that would be cool.  A bone sticking out or something." Andrea was not grossed out by the macabre.  She was leaning towards being an ER nurse or surgical tech.  Sheila didn't like the gory and was thinking of going into pediatric nursing.

They got to the ER to deliver the supplies when they saw a gorgeous blonde haired man laying on the bed behind a partially drawn curtain.

"My God, Sheila, look!"  Andrea whispered excitedly.

"I KNOW! He's hot,"  Sheila whispered back.

Another senior nurse came up and said, "Terrific.  I am glad you girls are here.  You can help me with Mr Neil."

Andrea and Sheila looked at each other, their eyes widening in recognition, now knowing who was on the bed.

"Vince Neil," Sheila mouthed silently.

"Motley Crue,"  Andrea mouthed back.

Both of them barely able to conceal their excitement.  They were huge fans and always looking for a way to meet them.  Though up till now with no success. They both closed their eyes for a sec sending a prayer of thanks to the Rock Gods that be, for this fortuitous opportunity.

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